once a kappa, always a kappa

It’s not four years, it’s for life. Discover the benefits of membership as an alumna.

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Career Academy: A Step Forward


When we think of 2020–21, the word that comes to mind is unprecedented. While we all experienced things we never could have anticipated, we also adapted in amazing ways that deserve to be recognized. 

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Frequently Asked Questions About Joining Kappa


Joining a sorority promises a lifetime of friendship and connections. We appreciate that you’re interested in finding that in Kappa Kappa Gamma. 

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Alumnae Spotlight: Keynotes


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We’ve got California on our minds. Join us at Convention 2022 in Palm Desert, California.

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Alumnae in red shirts celebrate galentines day together
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alumna initiation

The opportunity to join Kappa Kappa Gamma's tradition of sisterhood and leadership does not end after college. As an ever-evolving network, we offer membership beyond campus life to outstanding women who see those lifelong mutual bonds of support and friendship. 

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