scholarship information

Frequently Asked Questions

How will I know if the Kappa Kappa Gamma Foundation received my supporting documents? 

Applicants can view their submitted application in the application system and check the status of supporting documents until Monday, Feb. 1, 2021, at 5 p.m. Eastern Time.

You cannot edit your application once submitted, but you can upload and/or request references on submitted applications. Applicants can see if the reference they requested has been submitted or uploaded to the application. Applicants are expected to regularly check their submitted application to ensure all required supporting documents have been received. Please do not contact Kappa Headquarters to ask about submitted documents. We do not send confirmation emails when an application is submitted or supporting documents are attached. We suggest you screenshot your submissions for confirmation. No late applications or supporting documents are accepted.

What criteria are used for selection? 

Depending upon which type of scholarship you apply for, decisions are based on a combination of factors, including academic merit, demonstrated financial need, participation and/or leadership in Kappa Kappa Gamma and the community, and quality of the essay response.

I am currently an undergraduate student, but I plan to go to graduate school in fall 2021. Which application should I submit? 

Submit the graduate scholarship application.

Can I apply for a graduate scholarship if I do not know the school I am going to attend? 

Yes. Just list the schools to which you have applied and include “pending.” If awarded a scholarship, you may be asked to submit a letter of acceptance.

Which application should I use if I am not graduating in four years? 

If you have not received a college degree, use the undergraduate scholarship application. If you have received a bachelor’s degree and you are attending college for a second bachelor’s degree, use the graduate scholarship application. Students in dual-enrollment programs pursuing a bachelor's/master's degree should use the undergraduate scholarship application. We recommend pharmacy students use the undergraduate scholarship application but may choose to use the graduate scholarship application if they desire.

Can l apply if I am graduating in spring 2021 and not attending graduate school?  

No. You are ineligible. Scholarships may not be used to pay for debt already incurred.

What is the cost of attendance form for the undergraduate need-based scholarship? 

The cost of attendance form is a student-specific form that shows your financial aid received in comparison to the cost of the school. You can obtain this form either via your school’s financial aid office or in your personal student webpage. We will not accept general school website costs of attendance page printouts. The cost of attendance form must be for you personally.

Can I apply again if I have previously received a Kappa Foundation scholarship? 

Yes. The only exception is you cannot receive a Marisol Scholarship more than once. A former Marisol recipient can apply for a non-Marisol scholarship.

Can I reapply if I applied for a scholarship last year but was not awarded one? 

Yes. We are a competitive scholarship program and the number of scholarships we can award changes each year based on the market.

Do I have to complete my application in one session?  

No. You do not have to complete your online application in one session. You may save any information entered on the application, log out, and return at a later time.

What happens if my computer crashes while I’m working on the application?  

We recommend you periodically save your application as you work on it. Application information is ONLY saved when the applicant saves the content. Keep in mind that Kappa will not accept any late submissions for the application or supporting documents even in the event of a computer crash. We recommend submitting at least a week prior to the deadline to avoid any technology issues.

Will my application be considered if my references do not submit their recommendations by the deadline?  

No. Incomplete applications, including missing supporting documents, will not be considered. The application and supporting documents are due Monday, Feb. 1, 2021, at 5 p.m. Eastern Time. The Kappa Kappa Gamma Foundation will not accept late materials for any reason. As the applicant, you are responsible for submitting your application and verifying that all of your supporting documents are attached to your application prior to the deadline.

What’s the difference between the undergraduate need-based scholarships and undergraduate merit-based scholarship? 

Need-based scholarships are awarded based on demonstrated financial need. Candidates for need-based scholarships must have uploaded additional financial documents as listed in the Scholarship Application Guide. Financial need is not considered for merit-based scholarships.

I’m planning on studying abroad. Will I still be considered for a scholarship?  

Yes. You will be considered for an undergraduate merit-based, an undergraduate need-based, or graduate scholarship depending upon which application you selected. Complete the online application and include information about your study abroad program. If you meet the requirements, you’ll be considered for a study abroad scholarship. Otherwise, you’ll be considered for a partial scholarship while on campus. Marisol Scholarship applicants cannot study abroad.