four friends

Learning for Life



Commit tells the world: I’m all in. 

Through the Commit Learning Path, you demonstrate strength, push the envelope, stand up for what’s right, and give a voice to those who may not have one.

Commit is represented by angular mountains that spread out, block and obscure.

As Kappas, we are committed to our own personal wellness, our rights, our liberties, and our dedication to valuing human dignity and the rights of others. The commit section of the Kappa Edge program guides you on an important journey to commit to integrity, well-being, respect and inclusion.

You’re already a woman with high standards. You probably expect great things from those around you, too. At the same time, you’re concerned for the welfare of all people and believe that integrity and authenticity are priorities in any relationship.
Kappa will help you commit to drawing on those strengths to inspire others.

From alcohol and substance abuse prevention to mental health and wellness, fostering diversity, and treating others with respect and care, Kappa’s educational programs offer resources to help you find balance throughout your life.

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